+49 (0)6221 8278-0

Making gene therapy better. Together.

Our commitment to scientists is to support them in making new scientific discoveries and groundbreaking research within the life sciences and gene therapy. It is our underlying mission, to help progress new therapies safely, quickly and affordably, so together we can provide solutions to people suffering from poor health and affected by disease every day.

PROGEN is made up of a team of experts within AAV and the life sciences and is partnered with gene therapy experts worldwide. We are more than just a manufacturer of antibodies, proteins and ELISAs kits. We strive to understand what scientists need, so we can create solutions and ultimately deliver high quality antibody and exclusive AAV products, which solve your research challenges within academia, biotech and pharma, and ensure PROGEN can continue to be a trusted and reliable partner.

Our story to date

Meet our CEO's

Meet Katja Betts, co-CEO of PROGEN and find out why she is committed to supporting the AAV community.

Read Katja's Story >

Meet Maik Lander, co-CEO of PROGEN and learn about the importance of meeting customer's needs.

Read Maik's Story >

And some of the Team

We are in this together! We are a growing, supportive and welcoming team, each of us bringing something unique to PROGEN. We love what we do and enjoy reaching new goals together. 

Quality Assurance

Commitment to quality has always been a focus from day one. 

Becoming quality assured and DIN EN ISO 13485 certifified from 2010 onwards was and remains an important milestone for the team at PROGEN.

Our Partners

We have a strong network of partners in both academia and industry dating back to as far as 1983, and believe these collaborations have been imperative to what PROGEN has been able to achieve to date.

If you are looking for an active partnership and would like to collaborate together get in touch at info@progen.com.