+49 6221 8278-0

How to order from PROGEN

We hope to make ordering products from PROGEN as quick, easy and comfortable as possible. If you have any feedback on how we can make this service better for you, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team at PROGEN. 

What is quick order?

Our quick order option is an easy solution for you when you know exactly, which product you want or need to re-order regularly.

Our quick order button can be found at the top right hand side of our menu wherever you are on our website. Simply click on the icon, add the catalogue number and with one click the item can be found in your basket. You can also upload bulk orders using an Excel spreadsheet.

Want to make the process even quicker?


Register here

The information required to process your order:

  • Billing and shipping address
  • Purchase or order number or your reference number
  • Catalogue number, product description
  • Unit, size or quantity
  • Tax/VAT ID for customers within the EU (customers outside the EU are not charged VAT upon checkout)