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Most commonly used antibodies

for diagnostics, prognostics and the analysis of predictive markers

Our antibody portfolio includes a wide range of tissue- & tumor-specific primary antibodies for basic research and clinical diagnostics of a variety of cancers. The monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies are frequently used for diagnostics, prognostics and the analysis of predictive markers. Amongst the >400 antibodies, suitable for approximately 40 pathologies in 25 different organs/tissues are the most commonly used antibody clones in the pathology community.

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Trusted pathology markers

highly published and robust tools

Immunohistochemistry (HC) was invented in the 1940s and has developed to be a valuable tool for the identification of abnormal cells and cancerous tissues by using specific molecular markers. Additionally, IHC represents a excellent tool to analyze the distribution and localization of biomarkers and differentially expressed proteins in context of the specific biological tissue. Our tissue- & tumor-specific antibodies (see table) are well-established, highly published and robust tools in health care and pathology. To serve today´s urgent customer need for high quality and reliablility, all IHC antibodies have been externally validated and tested for optimal performance in relevant tissue and respective application.

The monoclonal antibody clones against keratin 20 (IT-Ks20.8),p53 (Bp53.11),vimentin (Vim3B4) and EP-CAM (HEA125) are only a few examples for approved clones that have been well trusted in the area of pathology for many years.

IHC-staining picture

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