+49 (0)6221 8278-0

Antibodies FAQs

We offer sample sizes for some of our antibodies.
For our lyophilized antibodies we offer 10 µg lyophilized samples and for our liquid antibodies we offer 200 µl liquid purified antibodies. The available formats can be found on the antibody product page.

We offer bulk amounts starting from 1 mg for many of our mouse monoclonal or recombinant antibodies. Please contact us for further information or use the “bulk button” on the product page.
Most of our purified mouse antibodies contain 0.5% BSA as stabilizer. If BSA was added to the antibody solution, it is stated in the datasheet.
The supernatant format contains FCS proteins from cell culture medium supplemented with FCS.
The serum antibodies contain other proteins present in serum.

Most of our antibodies contain 0.09% sodium azide as preservative. If a preservative is added, it is mentioned in the datasheet.
PROGEN antibodies are shipped at ambient temperature. The antibodies are stable at ambient temperature for the shipment period. Please store the antibodies as indicated in the datasheet upon arrival.
The optimal antibody dilution for your specific protocol and application needs to be titrated in your lab with your equipment and sample. The optimal dilution may vary between protocols and samples. A good dilution for starting the titration is the dilution mentioned in the datasheet. If the sample needs a specific treatment (eg. Antigen retrieval for IHC on FFPE sections) this should also be mentioned on the antibody datasheet. 
Please find the solvent for reconstitution and the amount of liquid for reconstitution on the antibody datasheet. The buffer formulation after reconstitution is also mentioned in the datasheet.
Lyophilized antibodies can be stored at 2-8°C until expiration.
Most of our liquid antibodies and reconstituted lyophilized antibodies may be stored for short term storage (up to 3 month) at 2-8°C. For long term storage we recommend to store the antibody at -20°C in aliquots. Please avoid freeze and thaw cycles.
Most of our conjugated antibodies should be stored at 2-8°C.
The individual storage conditions are mentioned on the datasheet.

  1. Methanol/ acetone fixation: Immerse slide in precooled (-20°C) methanol for 5 min, immerse in precooled (-20°C) acetone for 30-60 sec, let specimen air dry before antibody incubation.
  2. Methanol/ acetone fixation plus detergent permeabilization: After methanol/ acetone fixation and air-drying dip slide either in a solution containing 0.1-0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS or in 0.1% saponin in PBS for 1-5 min at room temperature (enhances accessibility of many cytoskeletal antigens).

  • Air-drying of the section.
  • Block with the serum of the species in which the secondary antibody was raised for 30 min.
  • Incubation with 1st antibody 1 h at RT in moist chamber.
  • Wash 3x with PBS.
  • Incubation with appropriate fluorescent secondary antibody, 30-60 min at RT.
  • Wash 3x with PBS.
  • Immerse shortly into ethanol.
  • Let air dry.
  • Cover with mounting medium.

  • Use wet transfer instead of semidry method.
  • Reduce the amount of methanol in the transfer buffer (< 20%).
  • Increase the transfer time (e.g. on at 100-200 mA).
  • If the protein is low abundant (e.g. nephrin expressed only in podocytes) enrich your protein of interest.
  • Pretreatment of the sample with DNase.

  • PVDF membranes show better results than nitrocellulose (higher capacity, allows for more stringent washing conditions in case of background problems).
  • Use freshly prepared blocking solution (e.g. 5% nonfat dry milk, 0.05% Tween 20), block for at least 1 h at room temperature.
  • Use the antibody in a higher dilution, but prolong incubation time and exposure time.
  • Always use a fresh aliquot of the antibody.
  • Do not repeatedly freeze the antibody (eventually centrifuge shortly after thawing to remove cryo-precipitates).
  • Include an additional washing step.
    You might also try more stringent wash conditions, e.g. add 0.5 M NaCl to the wash buffer.
  • Always use a fresh aliquot of secondary antibody.
  • In case you use ECL most the guinea pig antibody should be diluted further in order to get rid of the background.

The concentration of unpurified supernatant, ascites, unpurified guinea pig serum and unpurified rabbit serum is not determined.
The concentration of purified antibodies is mentioned on the datasheet.
For prediluted antibodies the concentration may vary from lot to lot. The concentration of these antibodies is not mentioned on the datasheet and can be requested at support@progen.com.

The concentration of specific antibody in our guinea pig serum is not determined.
In guinea pigs the antibody concentration in serum varies from 10 to 20 mg/ml; specific antibodies represent normally about 0.1-1% of total IgG. Total protein concentration varies from 40 to 65 mg/ml, with the main constituent (about 60%) being albumin.
PROGEN offers different formats for mouse monoclonal antibodies.  Different antibodies may not be offered in each format, the following are all possible formats:
  1. Supernatant and supernatant concentrate: This format contains hybridoma cell culture supernatant. The antibody is not purified and the antibody concentration is not determined. The antibody concentration may vary from lot to lot. Therefore we recommend to titrate the optimal concentration for the application used for each new lot.
  2. Lyophilized, purified: This format contains purified antibody in lyophilized form. The reconstitution of this antibody is described in the datasheet. The buffer composition after reconstitution is also mentioned on the datasheet. 
  3. Liquid, purified: This format contains purified antibody in liquid format. The concentration is mentioned on the datasheet. 
  4. Prediluted, purified: This format contains purified antibody in liquid format. Most antibodies in this format are diluted to be ready-to-use for IHC with standard tissue. But some antibodies of this format need further dilution for IHC. This is mentioned on the datasheet.

The expiration date of our antibodies is indicated on the product label.
Protocols for different applications can be found in the downloads tap on the antibody product page or on the following page: https://www.progen.com/Support/Downloads/
Publications citing PROGEN antibodies are available on the antibody product page in the Reference tab.
If the antigen retrieval buffer is not mentioned in the datasheet, the optimal buffer needs to be tested.
  • An acidic retrieval solution based on citric acid buffer is often used for cytoskeletal and membrane antigens.
  • A high pH retrieval solution is often suitable for nuclear antigens present in low amounts (like p53 antigen).