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Using Centrifugation





Much of modern cell and molecular biology relies on the isolation of pure, functionally intact populations of cells, subcellular organelles and macromolecules in high yield and both research and clinical applications provide an impetus for the development of improved separation technology. The media are used in density gradient separation for the purification not only of cells and organelles but also membrane vesicles, viruses, proteins, nucleic acids and lipoproteins.

Our density gradient media developed by Serumwerk Bernburg AG are:

  • Proven to be non-toxic,
  • Have a low osmolality
  • Are sufficiently dense to permit the purification of all types of biological particles
  • In compliance with FDA and EU cGMP standards and regulatory requirements. 

OptiPrep™ - Iodixanol

OptiPrep is a ready-made, sterile and endotoxin-tested solution of iodixanol that works cross research and clinical workflows, giving you control over your virus purification. Iodixanol can also be used to separate full and empty viral particles, as well as to isolate different cell types and organelles.

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Nycodenz® - Iohexol

Nycodenz is a density gradient medium with a wide range of applications, from isolating viruses, cells and proteins to cellular organelles and membranes. It is a non-ionic, non-toxic and highly water soluble powder of iohexanol, giving a clear separation of your isolated materials.

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LymphoPrep is a ready-made, sterile and endotoxin tested density gradient medium made of sodium diatrizoate and polysaccharide. It is highly effective for purifying human mononuclear cells (monocytes and lymphocytes) from diluted blood.

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PolymorphPrep is a ready-made, sterile and endotoxin tested density gradient medium made of sodium diatrizoate and polysaccharide. It has a high osmolality making it highly suitable for isolating human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (granulocytes) from whole undiluted blood.

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All Density Gradient Media Products

OptiPrep™ - Iodixanol
Cat. No. 1893
  • Highly effective density gradient media for the separation of full and empty AAV particles
  • Designed for the purification of viruses (such as AAV)
  • Useful to isolate different cell types and organelles
  • Ready-made, sterile and endotoxin-tested solution of iodixanol


Nycodenz® - Iohexol
Cat. No. 18003
  • Effective density gradient media for purification of viruses and virus particles
  • Suitable for the isolation of different cell types and organelles
  • Convenient for the separation of viable from non-viable cells
  • Non-ionic, non-toxic and highly soluble in water

Cat. No. 1895
  • Ready-made, sterile and endotoxin tested solution of sodium diatrizoate and polysaccharide
  • Suitable for the isolation of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (granulocytes) from whole undiluted blood


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